Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hotel Room

My friend John bought i-phone 4. I have been kidding him that when are you start to learn how to use  a computer. But now he is a head of me. I don't have i-phone yet.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Morning mist

     I started reading novel “Snow falling on Cedars.” I saw the movie based on this novel long time ago. The year of 2000, I believe. But I never read the book. My Japanese friend lent it to my other friend, but he didn’t have time. So, it ended up with I am reading it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

El Capitan

I tried to talk to a friend in Japan by Skype but the connection was bad. I tried it three time and finally I gave up. I guess the skype was busy because it was Saturday in Japan. I will try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bishop Creek

I took a trip to Japan early October. Yes, I have just came back from the trip. It has been six years since I went to japan last time. This time one of my friends with me. We arrived at Haneda air port. I believe it was second time I went to Haneda. It was late at night. So, we couldn't activate our rail pass at JR office. It's closed seven. Therefore, we have to pay for a monorail and some of train to our hotel by cash. The JR rail pass is great. We can take JR train as much as we want for two weeks. I take an  advantage of the pass every time I go to Japan.