Thursday, June 25, 2015

A net search engine Firefox suddenly went crazy. I can't use it any more. I have no idea what happened with it. So, I start using Safari now.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

I started cooking rice this morning. When I scooped a cup of rice from a rice container, I saw some dark spots inside of rice. I checked them with magnify glass, and I saw some bugs in there. How they got in the rice? I kept the rice  in a tight topped can. It’s almost impossible to get in there. I assume bugs were inside of a bag of rice before I moved some of them in the can. Anyway, not much rice left in the can. So, I spread the rice over a sheet of white paper. This way, it’s easy to see bugs. And I picked up the bugs one by one. I caught four of them. I was glade that much less bugs than I thought.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I started painting small size (6"x9") watercolor paintings for an exhibition in Japan. Reason is their are easy to handle and easy to sell. Of course, I will paint large size, too. But main thing is a small size.

I went to ukulele gathering this afternoon. We have this meeting once a week on Thursday. But I attend only once or twice a week. There is no important reason, I am just lazy. Our group perform on a little stages here and there many times. But I haven't participate it, yet. No particular reason, I am just lazy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I painted this "Scott and his friend" painting couple of weeks ago. And now his neighbor want her dog picture.

Monday, June 15, 2015

After J and I enjoyed breakfast we took walk around LA downtown. I wanted to see an old restaurant called “Clifton’s Cafe”. It closed for a renovation about three years go. It had been LA downtown’s landmark for 80 years. I had a good memory of the restaurant when I came to USA for the first time.

 The place is still fenced around front area but signs and windows are new. Also wall has new paint. It took a long time but It’s hopeful to see a little progress.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Today is Sunday. I staid bed late. I usually get up 5am. But, I got up 6am this morning instead. I have only one thing to do this morning. J and I go to breakfast at a Japanese restaurant in LA downtown.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I took two of my artworks to Summer Art Fest. at  gallery in San Gabriel. I participate this show every year. I hope some thing good happen this year.