Monday, February 22, 2010

Art Tools

Original Watercolor
Title: Art Tools
Image size: 5.5”x 15" With mat : 10”x 20”
Price: $180.00+Shipping Fee.

I received a card from an art gallery. It was an one man show of a local watercolorist. Because of the impressive image on the card, I decided to go to the show. I went to there Sunday afternoon. The gallery had a reception that day and quite a lot of people were there. The gallery was a small space. It was a front part of the flute retail and repair shop. I thought that was a good idea. The repair shop doesn't need a large space, so don't waste the precious space. Also, it was right size for an one man show. I would like to do my own show someday. I enjoyed snacks and refreshments, of course I enjoyed nice paintings, too.

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