Monday, September 27, 2010

Dancing Stream

It was a hottest day today for this year. It was 112 F in valley and down town 102 F. The day like this I didn't want to go out but I had some shopping to do. I wanted to get pencil lengthener for my sketch pencil, because I want to use it as much as possible. I don't want to waist every bit of it. I am looking for a good drawing pencil.


  1. Dear Osamu,
    Lovely work, full of shadows & water, look like, indeed, "cool."
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Hi Sadami

    This is a scene from Yosemite in spring. I like to paint moving water. It's a fun.

  3. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    Good creations

  4. Hi SKIZO

    Thank you for the comment. You too, enjoy creating your art works.
