Monday, September 20, 2010


I have less than two weeks left to take in my art works into an exhibitions. I have two shows to enter at the end of the month. And take-in day of the shows are just one day apart. I have been painting new watercolors for the last five weeks or so, and I am not happy about what I have down so far. Hard part of watercolor is, if I made unhappy result I have to do it all over again. There is no way I can fix the watercolor painting. I feel watercolor is like a Japanese calligraphy. I paint same material hundred times and choose the best one from them.

I finished five paintings so far, but I want paint some more. I still have enough time for that.


  1. Dear Osamu,
    Lovely and heart warming work. I hope a good success for the upcoming exhibition.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Hi Sadami

    Thank you for the nice comment. In this watercolor, I painted one of my friends and his two dogs. Every time I visited your blog I wanted to sketch like you do. But I don't paint people that often, so, when I tried it, it was so stiff. I need a lot of practice.

  3. Osamu, I discovered your blog not long ago and it is a pleasure to see your watercolors. I find this one formidable.
    The subject pleases me a lot.
    The colors of the bottom are blazing and the sensational light.
    I wish you of the success in your projects to come!
    Kind regards.

  4. Hi Olivia

    I don't paint figure often. But after I painted this I changed my mine, I should paint it more.

  5. Wow! This is a great painting that shows the values so well. And I love the story: the men and his friend. One is resting and another one is protecting his rest. Super Job Osamu!
    Thank you,

  6. Thank you Irina.
    This is one of my favorite paintings. I wish I have more subject like this.
