Thursday, September 23, 2010

San Gabriel Sunset

My new play toy is Google Translation.
I translated my Japanese blog "Choto Shinia chikku" to in English by the Google Translation. A result was very entertaining. I think translate a whole paragraph by computer is not realistic yet. May be it is impossible until computers get an emotion like a human.


  1. Dear Osamu,
    Beautiful work. Very impressive colors.
    In the analysis, computer translation is useful for syntactically, semantically and pragmatically similar languages(=languages within same language group such as Indo-European languages). But not helpful for languages belong to another language groups( eg Japanese vs English). I assume human brains will beat machines and forever and ever. Which machine can translate poems? Language, our beautiufl assets on the earth.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Wow! this Blue and Orange! Great combination of complimentary colors just keeps my eye staring at the center of the painting..

    Thank you Osamu,

  3. Hi Sadami

    How interesting, I never thought about other language but Japanese and English. So, translation by computer worked better between English and Spanish, English and French so on.

    Even though, it not work as I expected I use it once a while. Because I learn some thing new from the efforts.

  4. Hi Irina
    I am experimenting new things all the time. Some times I lost my self into a maze of creativity. But I still alive.
