Sunday, October 10, 2010


We have a breakfast meeting every Sunday at Mitsuru cafe in Little Tokyo. I enjoy the meeting and I am looking forward to meeting other friends. However, I couldn't get to Little Tokyo this morening. Because all the street to reach there was closed. I tried to find any little street to get there but no use. I was upset and came home. I called one of the breakfast friends later. He said that he was there in the restaurant. He went there early and street was still open at that time. I could have parked a couple of blocks away and take a walk. For some reason I didn't think about that. I guess, I was so upset I couldn't think straight. A senior has hard time to change an old habit which is I have park my car on the same spot every Sunday morning.


  1. Hi Osamu san - Sorry to hear about you missing your weekly breakfast meeting in Little Tokyo. Our mutual friend Ralph had a similar experience trying to get to his Japanese dance class at a Temple on W3rd. Somehow he managed to make it to class on his birthday this past Sunday. Yes as the expression goes "You can't teach and old dog new tricks." I know you are not an old dog because you stay young with your paintings. :)
    Is Tora your cat? I know that name means tiger in Japanese. He looks like one of my cats. What a nice expression on his face that you captured in your painting.

  2. Hi Enna
    No, Tora is not my cat. I saw it around in my neighborhood. I took photograph of the cat. I didn't know the name of cat, so I named it for a convenience of picture title.

    Yes, Tora means tiger in English. I gave this name because of a pattern on its body.
