Friday, October 1, 2010

Water Lily

I took two paintings of mine to SGFAA Fall Exhibition in San Gabriel. This time I had painted five watercolors and I chose two of them. We will have an exhibition this weekend and award winning art works will display at our gallery through October. If you want to come to see our exhibition, you are welcome.


  1. Good Morning Osamu san,
    This is a beautiful flower painting! What type of flower is it? A water lily or a lotus flower? You really captured the flower's softness and lovliness!

  2. ^^Ooops sorry or sumimasen Osamu san! I just noticed that your title above this painting said Water Lily! And a beautiful water lily it is!

  3. Hi Enna
    I painted this watercolor with an experimental new technique. I am happy about the result.

  4. Yes, Enna this is water lily. I like this flower, therefor I paint often.

  5. Lovely flower Osamu. Thank you for invitation too. Too bad I cannot come; but if there is a link you can post, that would be great to visit this exhibition virtually :)


  6. Hi Irina
    Yes, I will show you the watercolors which I entered the show on this blog.

  7. Dear Osamu,
    Beautiful work! I hope you will have a success for the exhibition.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  8. Hi Sadami

    Since I Joined a couple of art associations, I am busy painting for the exhibitions. I think it good thing.
