Sunday, January 30, 2011

Greeting Cat on the Side Walk

Friend of mine came to see me. His real purpose was that he wanted go to Japanese market and buy a green tea ice cream in tiny container which he can't find at regular store. So, we went to the market in Gardena. And he bought a lot of them. I counted them when we got to a cashier. There were twelve of them all together.  I love ice cream, but I try not keep it my house. I am afraid that I might eat too much. I have to watch my cholesterol. When I want have an ice cream, I just go to an ice cream store and get a cup or a corn. This is my way to control high fat food.


  1. Your watercolors are the fresh air. Here, again. The cat is so true. I know him.
    I try to control my ice-cream addition. But ice-cream wins))). Same with internet.

  2. Hi Irina
    I am a cat lover and I love ice cream. Both of them under control. (^-^)
