Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Secret Spot

I received a letter from Shevron. It read "Congratulation you get two 25 dollar gift certificates." And there is an instruction how to get the gift certificate. I went into the web page where I can redeem it. First I chose a restaurant from the lists that participated this program. And I printed the gift certificate. Great!!! That I thought. However, small print said that I have to buy over 45 dollars worth food to use a 25 dollar gift certificate. Not only that, there were some more things that discouraged me to use it. I never seen a gift certificate with so much restrictions. It was not worth it. I through it away in a trash can. What a waste.


  1. aw simply beautiful. i can already feel the atmosphere. thank you for this.

  2. Hi tabulyogang

    I like to paint a little corner of the landscape. I feel there is more story than spectacular scene.
