Monday, September 5, 2011

El Capitan

 Yosemite Experience  1

The night before I would leave to Yosemite Aline called. She is the manager of art center where I will stay for a week. She said "We had mountain fire and the high way I would take has been closed. So, I could not be there on Sunday. However, I arranged that you can get your key at the bookstore."

I left my house at 8 am.  Driving to Yosemite was easy. Even though it took six hours to get there. I have been doing this every year since 2005.  I arrived to Yosemite art center at 2:30 pm. Immediately I went to the bookstore and asked the key. A tall white bearded man in counter said "Your key supposed to be in art center. I will come with you and let you in."

Finally, I got my key and unloaded stuffs into the room from my pick-up truck. Now I am ready for a week in Yosemite. "Banzai!!!!" it means "Great!!!" in Japanese.

Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you why I went to Yosemite. I teach watercolor at Yosemite  art center for a week..

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