Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yosemite falls

 It was the first day of watercolor class today. We went to in front of visitor's center and painted Yosemite falls.  I come to Yosemite park on the first week of September. In this season the Yosemite falls almost dried up and no visible water there. But this year, the falls has enough water to create  nice waterfall. At the first class, I had eight students. I had great time. And when I came back to art center I fond that one of my paintings had sold.  Good start!

 Suddenly, I had twenty four students for the second class. There might be more. I lost count.
The first day's demonstration, I was feel tight. So, It wasn't came out right. However, I changed my approach to ward painting today. I did more relaxed and I painted freely. As result of that I painted very good piece. As the mutter of fact, I sold it before even display at the gallery.

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