Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I found Norm's restaurant in my area. When I had a dinner at Norm's in Hollywood I enjoyed so much, After that, I have been looking for one close by my house.  I decided to take my friend there and check that if they have same quality of food as the other one.
We took his car to the restaurant. We didn’t have any trouble get there. But he missed an entrance into parking area. And our trouble started. Because, the location of the restaurant is near the freeway we couldn’t come back same place easy. We lost in a maze of streets. finally, my friend said “Forget it! let go somewhere else.” It was already late for lunch and we were hungry. So, We were heading to Marukai store instead. We planed to do some shopping there anyway. They have a nice food court. Happily, we had a good ramen-noodles there. 

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