Monday, September 10, 2012

Half Dome

I painted this "Half Dome in Yosemite Park" as a watercolor class demonstration piece. It was the third day. We went to a meadow near by art center where we can see the half dome. I usually do a demonstration with in 30 minutes or so. This one was no exception. I liked this work and it sold right after I finished that afternoon.


  1. Me ha encantado esta serie de estampas de Yosemite.

  2. Hi antonio
    I go to Yosemite every year.It was wonderful experience.

  3. Beautiful! Wonderful color choices. This is more beautiful than it actually was that morning!

  4. Hi Pam
    I think artist's job is to make a subject looks better. At least I tried it with this one.

  5. Hello Osamu, I was in your class the day you painted this wonderful piece. And now I have it ready to be framed and place in my house! I really enjoyed your class!

  6. Good morning, Osamu,
    I've been looking through your paintings on your blog and am very intrigued with the one titled "Hotel Room Two." The lighting and mood you created is so wonderful!!!!

    1. I can't figure out how to get my name to appear instead of "unknown!" I guess that is my new name!

  7. Hi Tiffany, thank you for attending my class and purchasing the painting.I had great time, too. I hope I see you next year.

  8. Thank you pam
    That painting is one of my favorites. I should use color like that again. I'm sorry to say I don't know how can you put your name top of your comment. I will try to find it out.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
